domenica, gennaio 25, 2009

Apat Dapat Dapat Apat

Okay, this movie does play on the phrase "Friends Forever." This is about 4 women who met and became friends with each other. One of them dies (Candy Pangilinan's character) and the next thing you know, they get reincarnated, then one of them dies AGAIN, then they get reincarnated AGAIN, then one of them dies AGA-- It's a weird mystical cycle, really. So anyway, they found each other again as kids and they saved themselves from dying all together in a vehicular accident (You'd already know that they can't die together after learning what happens in each lifetime they spend.) And they grew up and stuff, you know, typical life stuff (like that description helped? LOL).
So out of necessity, all four of them found job opportunities in Hong Kong as domestic helpers. They needed the money a lot, especially for Res' case (Res is played by Candy, and if I remember it correctly, the name is short for "Resurrection." Haha!) since her family are badasses that they got themselves locked up in jail.
So yep, you're just waiting for Res to die, aren't you? She died in the hands of her employers in Hong Kong. This disturbed me a lot for the fact that the actual beating the employers did to her was executed comically. I couldn't laugh at all. I'm sorry, I just couldn't.
So the story continued with the 3 other women bringing Res' body back to the Philippines and hiding the truth from her family because they are such badasses that they could kill them all when they find out about Res' death.
Anyway, I don't want to ruin the whole movie for you since it just opened yesterday. Hope you watch it!
Oh, btw, I do miss the dancing cops. I think the dancing would definitely make everyone much more pleasant on the street. I hope MMDA would reconsider this program. And I applaud Candy Pangilinan for being able to shift from comedy to drama convincingly. Keep it up!



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